About MKS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. (NeoLife - Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Braces and Gel OT Positioning Devices)
MKS Enterprises private limited was founded in the year 17/08/2013 with a motive to provide quality products at affordable price to the consumers. With the tagline "we value your health!" MKS strives to provide quality orthopaedic, rehabilitation, contraception, medicated, over the counter products to its consumers.
Vision – To be number one distributor for orthopedic and rehabilitation products in Nepal.
Mission – MKS will create a distribution network in PAN Nepal where its dealers across the country will supply quality products provided by us at an affordable price to the customers.
Product range –
Orthpaedic and Rehabilitation and Gel OT positioning device from NeoLife.
Contraception, medicated products, OTC medicine covering other section.
- Phone - +977-9813849793
- Email - contactmkstradenepal@gmail.com
- Website - www.mksenterprise.com