Featured Doctors

Consult a doctor online for any health issue
Dr. Dibas Khadka

Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology , 14 Years of practice

15 person recommended
Dr. Anil Baral

Consultant Physician & Nephrologist

14 person recommended
Dr. Bibek Kumar Purbey

Gastroenterology and Interventional Endoscopist , 13 Years of practice

3 person recommended
Dr. Aditya Mahaseth

Cardiology, Internal Medicine

10 person recommended
Dr. Jayendra Pradhananga

Senior Clinician

4 person recommended
Dr. Sudip Parajuli

Dermatologist, Venereologist, Leprologist & Dermatosurgeon

2 person recommended

Top doctors in Nepal

Dietcian Astha Karkee
, 5 Years of practice

Dietcian Divya Mittal
, 5 Years of practice

1 person recommended
Dietcian Supriya Bhattarai
, 6 Years of practice

Dr. Amit Kumar Shah

Urologist And Andrologist

36 person recommended

Top doctors in Nepal

List of best doctors in Nepal who are committed to suggest and guide you in the best possible way.
Doctors 24/7

More than 1000 doctors are actively available to answer your health queries.

Digital prescription

Consultation cases evaluated and digital prescription given accordingly.

100% safe

Safest platform to consult online with the doctor of your choice with a strictly confidential consulting system.

Easy and affordable

One can easily consult with the doctor of their choice easily at best rates.

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Hamro Doctor is Nepal’s first online healthcare service providing platform. The online doctor consultation on Hamro Doctor is strictly confidential.

Yes. The doctor will prescribe the medicines via digital prescription for your disease if required. Some of your query may require only counselling or further examination and lab investigation in the clinic/hospital.