Panas Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

Bhakti Thapa Sadak, Thapagaun, Kathmandu

Panas Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. was registered with the Company registrar office on 25th Bhadra 2063, with DDA on Marg 23rd 2063 and with Department of Industry on Falgun 13th 2063. The foundation stone was laid on Falgun 29, 2063.

Installation of machines and other accessories completed by experts from the same company of Malaysia, Japan & India. A deep boring well of 95 meters has been completed at the northern eastern part of site.

Commenced its operation in the market from Ashadh mid of 2067. The company meets all the WHO CGMP guidelines issued by DDA along with norms of ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.

This organization has been viewed 6,463 times and last modified on 2019-06-07 14:08:08