About Chitwan Model Hospital Pvt. Ltd.
Chitwan Model Hospital Pvt. Ltd (CMH) has been an initiative of Chitwan Academy of Health Sciences Pvt. Ltd to provide health education and healthcare services through its competent professionals in medical academia. Founded in 2065/4/10 in the center part of the Bharatpur City, by a group of social and academic entrepreneurs with an immense local support, CMH has established itself as one of the most prominent 51 bedded hospital approved from Ministry of Health and Population on 2066/1/20. Having the motto of Develop CMH as "A Center of Excellence" through quality health services, it has 51 bedded hospital in operation in its own premises at Bharatpur. It is already upgraded to the super specialize 100 beds. The hospital has all the services are providing viz. medicine, surgical, ENT, Orthopedics etc The potential customers for the hospital are the patients looking for outpatient and inpatient services at the shortest possible time and reasonable cost. These are possible only when the hospital is near from and easily accessible by such patients. Large number of road traffic accidents occurs in the east – west highway and the Chitwan Model Hospital Pvt. Ltd.- hospital is situated in front of Bharatpur airport. The medical facilities of Chitwan Model Hospital Pvt. Ltd is located at Dursanchar Road, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan which is about 150 km far from Kathmandu. The hospital – a vast extent of level land and commanding a magnificent view of the hills to the north and the greenery and granary of the Tarai all around – is located just off the East-West Mahendra Highway at a 5 minute drive from Narayangarh. Most centrally located and conveniently serviced by air and road, it is easily accessible from all parts of the country at all times of the year which is undoubtedly a prerequisite for an institution aspiring to serve the entire nation. Moreover, Mother Nature has endowed the place with abundant water. It is serviced by the center grid of the Nepal Electricity Authority and other basic amenities such as market place and government offices are located in closely. Chitwan has of late recorded a rapid growth in the fields of trade and commerce, tourism and industrial development and as many development economists and planning wizard would put it, it has the potential of becoming the hub of central Nepal in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is firmly believed that the whole project will have a bright future here. Its 100 beds hospital establishment will add momentum to the development process of the area helping it to grow also as a center of education as well as medical services. This will in itself be a pioneering step to be emulated and adopted by other institutions. It will ease the ever – increasing pressure on the capital city of Kathmandu and at the same time help other places and participate in the mainstream of national development. 3 | P a g e C h i t w a n M o d e l H o s p i t a l r e p o r t Promoters of Chitwan Model Hospital, a joint effort of the government and the private sector is inevitable to achieve the health indicator targets as laid down in the Long Term Health Plan. Chitwan Model Hospital aspires to play a vibrant part to realize the dream slogan of the Government "health for all"
- Established Date - 2008-05-01
- Phone -056-594460, 594060
- Fax - N/A
- Email - cmh.bharatpur@gmail.com
- Website - N/A